lunedì 8 febbraio 2016

Live! Session at FXRenew

Hello to all Readers!

As I announced at the beginning of the year, I'll be strengthening my bond with the team at FXRenew, in order to deliver quality information and assistance to traders that either

- need help getting consistently profitable
- need a community to bounce ideas with
- need a coach to keep them on track and disciplined
- want to stay up to date with industry innovations

My first contribution to the site will happen on February 18th, as I will be inserted into the Forex System Development Workshop 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 
If not, I look forward to seeing you there!

Update: the session will go Live! on Thursday Feb.18th at 8.30AM CET/8.30PM Sydney
I will be discussing how I approach the markets.

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